Halloween Decorations Are Up!
Hi, Leslie Harris here. Happy October!
Every year, towards the end of September, I think to myself, this year I’m going to get my Halloween decorations out early! And then, usually a few days before Halloween, I get a few things put up so that the kids in my neighborhood can enjoy them, especially since I live right across the street from a school.
This year, I started noticing decorations mid September. Doesn’t it seem like they’re appearing earlier and earlier every year?
One of my neighbors has quite an elaborate display. My husband asked him if this was his full-time job from now through October. The guy in gleefully exclaimed, yeah! I’m going to add to it everyday. I don’t know why, but this was a light bulb moment for me. You see, the reason why I avoid putting them up is because I get overwhelmed with how much there is to do. All of a sudden, I got some freedom around having to do it all at once.
So on Saturday, I put up my giant spider. This sucker is probably about 8 ft across, and it’s my biggest decoration by far. I also put up a few more decorations, and then I decided that was enough for that day.
Yesterday, I put up my skeleton kitties, pumpkin lanterns, and a bunch of other stuff. I might still put more decorations out, but I might not. I’m pretty happy with the way it looks now.
Have you put any Halloween decorations out yet, will you? Let me know in the comments