(9/30/90: Bobby Thigpen gets the final out and the White Sox win their final game at Comiskey Park)

This is absolutely incredible, especially for Sox fans like myself who only have faint memories of attending games at the old Comiskey Park, which was demolished in 1991.

Chicago Architect Brian Powers has been working for years on rending a ditial model of the old southside ball park, many images of which you can view right now on his Twitter account (@SportsBandbox)…and they are sooooo cool!

Brian Sandalow of The Chicago Sun-Times did a great interview with Powers about how the project and it’s future, it’s definitely worth a read. In the article, Sandalow writes:

When the project is complete, Powers intends to set up a website where the digital ballpark will be available. The stadium, Powers said, will be fully modeled, as well as the surrounding blocks around the ballpark. People will have the ability to walk up to ticket windows, enter the ballpark, explore concourses, get a hot dog and go to their seat.

He’s looking for the project to be experienced in virtual and augmented reality, and Powers will post fly-throughs on his YouTube channel. Fans will be able to check out the famed Bard’s Room, see the golden boxes, look at the last incarnation of the old park’s exploding scoreboard and visit the outfield picnic area.

“All of those details will be captured,” Powers said. “Hopefully it will come together pretty well. So far, it’s been pretty good.”

Check out some of these images!