A Father’s Day That Rocked!
What a great Father’s Day I had!
I loved the gift from my wife and kids…they know me so well. Not only did I get this cool apron with my kids’ hands as flames, but the T-shirt is just the coolest!
Also on Saturday, I was broadcasting live in Oswego during PrarieFest – which quickly became one of my favorite community festivals! There was even a Guinness World Record set (unofficially, until it is reviewed by Guinness staff) for the amount of time balancing a guitar on one’s chin. Congrats Chris Sullivan…here’s the video and post-record breaking interview. What a pro!
Then on Sunday, I went out early with my dad and brother to go disc golfing…a first for me! Needless to say, I was pretty terrible at it, but it was a lot of fun checking out the GORGEOUS scenery in which these courses are laid out.
We started out in Joliet at Highlands inside Pilcher Park then drove a few miles to check out Dellwood Park in Lockport. These places are GEMS, that I’ve never visited before. Such beautiful scenery, it’s too bad I ruined a great hike with terrible Frisbee throwing.
Honestly, these two places offer such beautiful scenery that many people, including myself, probably didn’t even know existed. If you’d like to take advantage of some of these nice, cool Summer days, check out Pilcher Park in Joliet or Dellwood Park in Lockport and just stroll.