A retriever can also be a bringer!
Our DJ’s have been hard at work with, among other things, posting feel-good stories coming out of the challenging situation we’re all facing right now. My turn! Here’s another one. This came to light a couple of weeks ago.
With a history of heart and breathing problems, 71-year-old Colorado resident Renee Hellman hadn’t left her house in more than three weeks, fearing exposure to the coronavirus could prove fatal. So when her neighbor offered to deliver groceries to her home, she was apprehensive, fearing contact with another person could be dangerous.
But when the groceries arrived, Hellman says she was both surprised and relieved to find the delivery person wasn’t a person at all; it was a golden retriever! Her neighbor, Karen Eveleth, trained her dog Sundance to deliver food to Hellman.
The doggy-delivery system worked out so well, it became part of Sundance’s daily routine! He’s delivered frozen chickens, sacks of flour, and other goods to the isolated woman’s home. “I make meals for her also, and Sundance brings back the empty bowls,” Eveleth says.
Man’s (and woman’s) best friend indeed!