Source: YouTube

It can be difficult to drive in areas where there are pedestrians . . . bicyclists . . . children . . . and animals.  And it’s even WORSE when people have their phones out.

A lot is made of distracted DRIVERS on their phones, but the city of Mulberry, Florida is putting up dozens of signs warning drivers of “smartphone zombies” . . . or PEDESTRIANS who are so engrossed in their phones that they’re not paying attention to what the vehicles around them are doing.

A city official says he got the idea from a MEME, but he thinks it’s important . . . especially in areas around schools and libraries, where kids are often walking around on their phones, and sometimes also wearing headphones.

The reaction is mixed . . . but the city says that they’re having the signs made locally at a relatively low cost, so it doesn’t hurt to raise awareness for the fact that pedestrians are not always as alert as they should be.