An Easy Way to Make a Difference in Our Community.
Hi, it’s Leslie, and this weekend there’s going to be drive-up donation events in four different locations.
We Can Lead Change – Fox Valley is having a Day of Action this Saturday January 29th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., to help area families who have been financially devastated by the pandemic.
Donations will be given to Mutual Ground and Hesed House in Aurora, Lazarus House in St Charles, the Elgin partnership for Early Learning and the Community Crisis Center in Elgin.
The group is collecting baby wipes, new mittens for kids, travel sized women’s hygiene products, women’s feminine products, new adult winter gloves, bandages, ibuprofen, acetaminophen and antibiotic ointment.
Drop off locations are the Timbers Office parking lot, 220 W. River Dr. in St Charles, Danny’s Pizza at 231 Douglas Avenue in Elgin, a private home at 210 Wing Blvd in Elgin, and in Aurora, Judge Cruz for Justice Headquarters, 605 North Broadway.