Hey it Chris Miles.

Last time we talked I was wondering what your favorite cover song was. This time I am focusing on Album Covers. Here’s why.

On this day in Rock N Roll history in the year 1969, Andy Warhol agreed to design the artwork for the cover of the Stone’s eleventh American studio album, Sticky Fingers. As many of you know, the design would include a working zipper. To me it is one of the most memorable covers of all time.

I remember looking through my dad’s record collection and finding this album. “Huh that’s interesting”, I said to myself, “does that zipper even work? I wonder what’s behind it?” You can guess what happened next, I like many people I have talked to tried to unzip the zipper. It was difficult and I not sure if it is because at that point the album was 10 years old or I just had “Sticky Fingers” from whatever candy I was eating at that point. HA! Sorry I had to.

What memories do you have a of your favorite album cover? Share them in the comments below.

One final note, I hope you’re enjoying your Easter Sunday, however you celebrate. From all of here at The River Happy Easter!