Aurora Holding Fourth of July Processional Through City to Honor Health Care Workers

There are no professional fireworks this year in Aurora, but according to Mayor Irvin, the city will still be celebrating.

Irvin announced at a press conference yesterday that the city will host a processional from to honor those serving at Aurora’s hospitals and long-term care facilities.

Here’s the audio with Mayor Irvin’s words on the procession. You can watch his entire pres conference, which includes a plea to residents to stop using fireworks, below.

The processional will start at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday at Rush Copley Medial Center on the east side of the city and will end at Presence Mercy Medial Center on the west side. The processional of emergency vehicles from the Police and Fire Departments, Emergency Management Agency and Kane County Sheriff’s Office should take just under an hour to complete the trip, with portions passing by some of Aurora’s nursing homes to honor the workers at those locations.

The procession will also go through a few neighborhoods, and residents of the city are welcome to cheer on the makeshift parade from outside their homes.