Back To School Info.
D203 Return to Learn 2.0
District 203 administration presented their Return to Learn 2.0 plan at last night’s board of education meeting. The updated plan has been divided into four stages. The school year will start on September 1 with a full online start in stage 1. Students will have set schedules and at least five hours of learning each day. A total of two and a half of those hours will be live virtual instruction. The goal is to slowly bring in small groups of students in stages 2 and 3, and get back to full in-person learning in stage 4 once guidance allows. The district has partnered with YMCA and Champions to provide on-site child care for elementary students.
D204: Fall Will Look Different to Spring
Indian Prairie School District 204 also unveiled their revised return to school plans last night. Like D203 D204 will go entirely remote to begin the school year. District staff says this version of online learning will look different from that of the spring. Attendance will be submitted daily by students or parents. Tasks and assignments will be required. Students will be assessed on their progress and will be given feedback on their performance. And participation is expected, and required. The district said they will present the second part of their remote learning plan at their next board meeting on August 10. Sports in both districts will be allowed to be played but will need to adhere to IHSA and public safety guidelines.
Thanks To: NCTV17 News Update