David Bowie Would Have Been 74 Today.
Today would have been David Bowies 74th birthday. Of course we lost him 5 years ago this Sunday. I’ve been a fan for quite a while and have seen him live several times including in October of 72′ at the Auditorium Theater. It was the Ziggy Stardust Tour and I have to say that album “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders From Mars” has always been my fav. Just great rock n roll and great tunes from beginning to end. I was fortunate enough to be present at Mantra Studios on March 28th, 1977, for the very first WKQX Studio Jam with Bowie and Iggy Pop. Now there’s a dynamic duo. Truly an amazing evening. David Bowie was one of the most diverse and interesting people I have ever come across and to appreciate him sometimes you had to take a step or two back and just observe. Below is a photo from that night and an interesting piece done on Bowie.
This is a photo of Bowie and Iggy at the mixing board at Mantra (with my old and dear friend Harvey Wells standing watch behind)
Click here for an interesting piece on David Bowie