Don’t “shoot in” the new year!

I know I harp a lot on driving under the influence on New Year’s Eve, but that’s not the only dumb thing you can do.

Police departments across the country are reminding residents not to ring in the New Year by firing a gun into the air.  The simple fact is that what goes up must come down, and sometimes people are struck and seriously hurt by falling bullets.

Last year, a woman in Raleigh, NC and a 9-year-old boy in Cleveland, OH were both hurt by stray bullets on New Year’s Eve.

The police departments didn’t say this, this is just me, but at the very least, use blanks!  What’s the point of shooting an actual bullet into the air?  Blanks make just as much noise.

That’s another soap box moment from me, Rich Dale.  Be safe and have a great time tonight!