Elephants Have Evolved To Be Tuskless Because Of Poaching.

Elephants are such unique animals that i think we simply take them for granted. Their population around the world is shrinking and although not an endangered species  yet that could be coming. They have been harvested by poachers for their ivory tusks and slaughtered by the thousands with no thought of population restoration. Well now apparently elephants have adjusted to the demand for their ivory tusks by simply not growing them. Like eye color in humans, genes are responsible for whether elephants inherit tusks from their parents. Although tusklessness was once rare in African savannah elephants, it’s become more common like a rare eye color becoming widespread. Tuskless surviving females passed on their genes with expected, as well as surprising, results. About half their daughters were tuskless. More perplexing, two-thirds of their offspring were female. Well ivory might now become the victim of the poachers and will no dought be much more expensive. For more read below.

Elephants Have Evolved To Be Tuskless Because Of Poaching.