Five Things in Your House You Can Sell for Parts

Seeing articles like this can’t be a good sign for the economy.  Someone did a write-up on “The Best Things in Your House to Sell for Parts”.

The first one is only “in” your house if you count the garage.  Any old junker VEHICLES you’ve got probably have more valuable insides than anything else.  An old engine could net you $500, and the airbags alone could be worth $200.

Here are four more things you can sell for parts . . .

1.  Computers.  Rip that old laptop up and sell the parts on eBay.  Even stuff from older computers could still be worth a few bucks.

2.  Board games.  eBay has a whole section dedicated to buying and selling old Game Pieces & Parts.

3.  Electric guitars.  You might only need a screwdriver to take it apart.  Things like old pickups and tuning pegs can go for decent money.

4.  Lego pieces.  Specifically, spare pieces for old Lego sets.  There’s a whole website called Bricklink that’s dedicated to it.

Lifehacker has some more details if you want to dive in!