Forget Worlde! Wikitrivia Is a Shareable Trivia Game for History Buffs

Part of the fun of Worlde is being able to share our successes (because we’d never share our failures!!) with our friends and seeing how we stack up.

You can do the exact same with Wikitriva, a game built by a guy named Tom Watson, a software engineer who has done a few other things as well.

Essentially, you get a card with a historical event on it. Then you have to place these cards in chronological order as you get them. The game ends when you get three wrong guesses! It’s simple, it’s challenging, it’s fun.

The data for the game is pulled from Wikidata and Wikipedia, so there are a few little issues with that, but overall it’s a fantastic time-killer and may even help you appreciate historical events on how they land on history’s timeline a little better!

So far my best round was my very first!


Wordle was so last month!