Go Vote Today!
The Illinois primary elections are today! You knew that right? It’s the day you choose your party’s candidates that will face off in the general elections, including the governor of Illinois. Other nominees will be elected for congressional seats, judges, sheriff and plenty more!
One of the biggest state-wide races will see if Aurora mayor Richard Irvin will win the Republican primary against odds-on favorite Darren Bailey, Jesse Sullivan and others. What’s interesting is that Democrat Pitzker is actually running ads in favor of Bailey, seemingly because he believes Bailey will be easier to defeat in the primary. We shall see!
Click here to see your county clerk’s website, which will let you find your polling place and see a sample of the ballot of the party of your choosing.
DuPage County is doing something a bit differently! They are the first county in the state to allow a resident to vote ANYWHERE, as opposed to strictly their assigned polling place. Check it out!