Grundy County Sheriff Speaks Out Against Gov. Pritzker’s Quarantine Extension: “You will not be fined or arrested for deviating from the Gov’s Executive Order.”
When it comes to divisive topics, it’s always good to get different perspectives, especially from respected community leaders! Lockport’s mayor Steve Streit has come out against the governor’s extension of the stay-at-home order, and now, another suburban elected official is as well.
Grundy County Sheriff Ken Briley said in a written statement released on the sheriff’s office Facebook page that he has gotten numerous calls wondering if the sheriff’s office would enforce Governor Pirtizker’s extended stay-at-home order.
The short answer was no, but his full answer was far from short! He did call the governor’s order “well-intentioned,” but mentioned several times that he feels Grundy County should not be lumped in with Cook County as decisions on re-opening are made at the state level.
Sheriff Briley said no one should be worried about being confronted by the sheriff’s office for having a graduation party or wedding on their own private land. He also said his deputies wouldn’t be reprimanding anyone for re-opening their business, but did warn that doing so may compromise their various business licenses as those are controlled by the state and local municipalities, not the county. He also made it clear that businesses have a right to make COVID-19 related decisions that customers would have to abide by.
He did mention, however, he was told by the Grundy County State’s Attorney that they would not be prosecuting any violations of the governor’s executive order.
Here’s the entire statement made by Sheriff Briley. Keep in mind, though, that the local police or State Police may have different opinions on this.