Happy Hour: Special Needs Students Named Homecoming King, Queen at Sandburg

Sometimes we have to make hard decisions, but sometimes the decisions are so obvious that it’s easy.

I’m so happy that the students at Sandburg High School in Orland Park made the right choice and made long-time best friends Timmy Matykiewicz and Selena Schuster their homecoming king and queen!

Lauren Traut did an amazing article in the Patch about the two, who have been best friends since the age of 5. You have to check out the photos!

In the article, Traut mentions how Matykiewicz and Shuster have cognative impairments and they grew up in the world of special education together. They’ve been inseperable for most of their lives. They have been to every homecoming together, and now they get to be crowned together. What’s really cool is that Timmy’s younger brother was the one to place the crown on his head.

Congrats to these two! Off to do amazing things…together, probably!