How long does it take you to get out of bed?
Rich Dale here. OK, I knew this from my own personal experience, but it’s good to find out I’m not alone.
A new survey conducted by Madison Muire, Editor at Mattress Nerd, says 24 minutes is the average time Americans take to get out of bed after two alarms and hitting snooze twice. Hmm, only twice? Amateurs. I’ve gotten better about it, but I used to ride that snooze button like a Harley. Then finally, I get up on my elbows and might stay like that for 10 or 15 minutes.
Of the 2,000 people surveyed, 29% felt groggy upon waking with only 11% saying they felt motivated in the morning. I usually do feel motivated … to hit the snooze again.
The top three reasons people wake up in a bad mood included staying up late to watch television, being affected by a negative event in their life, or an uncomfortable mattress. So the first one is probably the one that most applies to me.
When participants talked about running late in the morning, things they skipped from their morning routine included making their bed, making breakfast, and coffee. As far as I’m concerned, unless you’re selling your house and people are coming over while you’re gone, making the bed is the most dispensable of those.
And right now, for people unemployed or even working from home, the temptation might be greater to keep smacking that snooze. But word is that it’s best for your mental health to keep your routine. So if you wouldn’t watch Ozark until 2 AM during normal times, it’s probably best if you don’t do it now.