I don’t have many details, but this made me smile, so I wanted to pass it along!

I’m not sure how long this has been going on, or if this is the first year doing so, but athletes from the Minooka football, volleyball and dance teams will be at the local junior highs to welcome the younger students to their day! How cool is that! Last week was the first week of the season.

This is great on a few levels! First, I imagine it brightens the day of many of the junior high kids. Secondly, what a great recruiting tool! Third, it shows the high school kids what type of impact a simple act of kindness can have.

Great job, Minooka!

If you see other acts of kindness or other successes  you’d like to share, let me know and I may mention it during Happy Hour, which happens in the noon hour each weekday!

Oh…just for good measure…here are the Minooka kids getting rowdy during “Fight Song Friday!” Let’s go!!