Loneliness! Ouch It Does Hurt! Even Me, I Can Relate!
As we all wander through the malaise of this pandemic it affects each of us in so many different ways. Of course the fear of COVID is probably the biggest item on the list, but for those who’ve lost employment or whose businesses have been forced to shut down, unimaginable! The loss of a family member can’t ever be stated in real terms! The lack of social interaction, seeing your work mates or the kids school mates or your friends is big deal too. I know my routine is very much the same every day. (Groundhog Day Syndrome). I get up, have my coffee and start my show prep, shower, exercise (not as often as I should) and then head to the station, but there’s nobody there. Our company is still like many that are keeping people safe by having them work from home. Mackay and I are the only two that actually come to the studio to work each day. All others are working from home! So I guess my point is even now having both my COVID vaccinations there really isn’t much interaction with others out there. I go home every night, I live alone, cook my dinner and watch TV. I love coming to work and doing my show, but like I said “Ain’t nobody here but me!” I have plans to visit all my kids and grand kids in the next two months and that is something I’m really looking forward to, but I saw this interesting piece titled “Loneliness Is Rampant” and thought I’d share it with ya. I’m thinking’ there’s a lot of you who are a bit lonely out there (and no I’m not having a big gathering for lonely hearts this weekend), but hey, to a certain extent, I can relate!
Loneliness Is Rampant: A Simple Call or Hug May Be a Cure.