MJ Still At The Top Of His Game.
It’s hard to fathum that Michael Jordan hasn’t played for the Bulls since 1998. That’s 23 years and yet it somehow just doesn’t seem like it could be that long ago! His years here were some of the most memorable and exciting in all of sports. MJ was always at the top of his game. In 1990, after Tommy Edwards announced he was leaving the Bulls public address position to take a job in LA The Bulls held auditions for his replacement. I was lucky enough to get a shot and I have to say I don’t get nervous about too many things. Being in front of a big crowd and having to speak is in part what I do, so no worries right! Wrong! I was sooo nervous and excited at the same time. I did get to introduce the the teams and when it came time to introduce The Bulls I was sky high. I got through it and did introduce Michael without losing my…well you know, but didn’t get the job which eventually went to Ray Clay. Sitting at the scorers table is a great place to watch the game, but on this night I was too bust working to really enjoy it. I’m sure if I had been able to do it a few more times my blood pressure would dropped back toward normal and I might have enjoyed the entire experience a bit more. As a fan watching Michael Jordan play was such a delight. You always knew he was gonna bring it every night! That’s just who he is. Well it seems that hasn’t changed and Michael is still at the top of his game. He has just donated $10 million dollars to open several health clinics in North Carolina. Yeah $10 million!!
To Read More On MJ’s Amazing Donation. Click Here