My last post about Alaska. For now.

Hi, Leslie in for Mitch once again and I know I’ve talked a lot about my trip to Alaska. Honestly, I wasn’t really looking forward to it. I love to travel, and I love to experience different cultures. Alaska is part of the United states, so I didn’t realize just how different from the rest of the country it was going to be.

Even the Anchorage airport was so interesting! There were benches made to look like stacks of suitcases, some of the funniest t-shirts I’ve ever seen, local coffee, and a real, taxidermied moose.

Do you have any idea how big a moose is? Well, I was standing right under that moose, and you can see that my top knot doesn’t even come close to the bottom of that moose’s mouth.

Everyone I’ve ever spoken to has just loved visiting Alaska. It’s really spectacular, with new surprises every day. Have you ever been to Alaska? Tell me about it in the comments.