National Popcorn Day! It’s What’s For Dinner!
So today, January 19th, is National Popcorn Day! Personally, I really like popcorn. we went to the movies twice over the weekend, there was a tub of popcorn for each film and between the two of us there wasn’t much left by the by the end of the flicks. My neighbors gave me one of those large tins of popcorn for Christmas. You know, the ones with like 3 different kinds of corn inside. This one had regular, cheese popcorn and caramel popcorn. I opened the tin to check it out and started munching on the cheese popcorn and before I knew it half of it was gone! I closed the lid and then a few minutes later went back for a few more handfuls. The same thing happened with the caramel and even the regular. Do I have a problem?….Naaaa I don’t think so, I just like popcorn and it’s easy to over eat it. When lightly buttered, popcorn is about 80 calories per cup. Popcorn is a whole grain and provides energy-producing complex carbohydrates. Popcorn contributes fiber to the diet. If you love popcorn, you’ll be pleased to know that it offers many surprising nutritional benefits. While low in calories, it’s rich in antioxidants and delivers a healthy dose of fiber to aid in digestion and heart health. So there ya go. All in all popcorn is a good thing to consume. Pop that corn to your hearts content and Happy National Popcorn Day.