New Year’s Resolutions That are Easy to Keep

Hi, it’s Leslie Harris. happy New year!

Many of us make New Year’s resolutions, although as we get older, fewer and fewer of us do. I think it’s because we have failed so many times to keep those resolutions, so here’s a list of resolutions that might be easier to keep:

Keep your car clean. I am notorious for having a messy car, so this is one I’m going to take on. I’m actually going to schedule it in my calendar to do this once a week. I do love having a clean car, I just don’t often take the time to make it happen.

Compliment someone and mean it. This is so easy, and yet it makes such a huge difference. Putting kindness out into the world is always a good idea, and often comes back to us.

Get outside. This is one that I really took on during the lockdown. I try to get outside everyday, even when the weather is bad. It’s so good for a physical health, but also for our mental health. I also recommend staying off your phone while you’re outside. Take in all of the sights sounds and smells.

Schedule more time with friends. This is another one that I took on towards the end of 2020. I actually had a falling out with one of my closest friends, but it caused me to realize I have a lot of people who love me and want to spend time with me. The key here though is to be proactive, and not take it personally if they don’t respond right away or even reciprocate. People are busy and just because they don’t reach out to me does not mean that they don’t want to see me.

None of these are hard, but it might take some scheduling to make them happen.

What are some of your resolutions? Let me know in the comment.