Nine Eating Habits, Where do you stand on these?

I put multiple food items on my fork at the same time, I use a fork for Mac n Cheese, I salt the water before cooking Pasta, I like the corner piece of the Brownie, I prefer Scrambled eggs, I’m not a big fan of Sushi but eat it, not a fan of onions either…mostly cooked ones and I like my food spicy.

Now it’s your turn…

If you’re eating a balanced meal . . . with a protein, some vegetables, a grain, and maybe a separate carb . . . do you alternate items as you eat, or just eat one at a time until it’s gone?

In a survey on eating habits, 18% said they always eat one thing at a time, while 70% say they alternate.  12% “didn’t have a preference.”

Here are eight other highlights from the survey:

1.  What do you use to eat MACARONI & CHEESE with?  59% will use a fork . . . 21% prefer a spoon . . . 13% said it’s a case-by-case thing . . . and 7% don’t like mac and cheese.

2.  When making PASTA, do you salt the water?  61% said yes . . . 22% said no . . . 12% sometimes do, sometimes don’t . . . and 5% didn’t know how to respond.  (As if they woke up this morning NOT expecting to be asked about pasta water.)

3.  When it comes to CORN, 42% want it ON the cob . . . 26% prefer it on a plate, OFF the cob . . . 24% don’t care . . . and 8% don’t want any corn at all.

4.  EGGS can have an off-putting consistency no matter how they’re prepared . . . but 37% prefer them scrambled . . . 18% like them “over easy” . . . 12% like them sunny-side up . . . 6% like poached . . . and another 6% prefer boiled eggs. 14% don’t care, and 7% don’t want eggs.

5.  When it comes to a pan of BROWNIES, which piece do you want?  36% don’t care, they just want a piece.  Or two.  But 28% specifically want a corner piece, and 27% want an edge piece.  They didn’t ask about a MIDDLE piece . . . or specify whether these were normal brownies or HASH brownies.  (???)  9% didn’t vote, possibly because they don’t like experiencing joy.

6.  How do you eat SUSHI?  Well, for starters, 46% say they DON’T.  Beyond that, 20% use chopsticks . . . 15% use a fork . . . 14% are cool just picking it up with their hands . . . and 5% will use whatever they’ve been given.

7.  When it comes to ONIONS, 75% of people like them . . . 14% don’t . . . and 11% didn’t respond, possibly because their eyes were tearing up.

8.  And finally, when asked about SPICY FOODS, 45% said they’d rather have something mild . . . 40% love spicy stuff . . . and 15% could take it or leave it.


