Noon Whistle FINED for Cicada-Infused Malort

I’m not gonna lie, this kind of makes it even more hardcore.

Remember when Noon Whistle (with locations in Lombard and Naperville) sold cicada-infused Malort during the Great Cicada Outbreak of 2024?!

It looks like the Illinois Liquor Commission needed a word with them! According to various reports, there was a blurb in the latest monthly report from the ILLC that stated:

The ILCC received information that a licensee was selling an infusion that contained cicadas,” the report snippet said. “After conducting a field compliance inspection, the Agent determined that the licensee was offering for sale an infusion containing cicadas. The licensee was cited for the violation and was provided education on the issue.”

I’m not sure what the fine is, but I bet they made more on selling stuff for $5 a shot! There are laws pertaining to how and where liquor can be infused, how its stored and how it’s labeled. Either Noon Whistle didn’t know about this and it was an honest mistake, or it was calculated move because they knew the price of PR would outweigh any potential negative aspects. We have some liquor rebels over there in Lombard and Naperville!

I guess we’ll see what happens in 2037!