I bought a snow blower last year. It was the first year I have ever owned that magnificent piece of equipment.

Unfortunately for me, but fortunately for most everyone else (save plow drivers and sledding enthusiats), we BARELY HAD AND DANG SNOW LAST WINER!!

Like…virtually none!

If the Old Farmer’s Almanac is to be believed – and that’s a big if – I may again be going through snow blower withdrawl again!

2020-2021 Winter Forecast

Follow along as we reveal The Old Farmer’s Almanac’s Winter Weather Forecast for winter 2020-2021! What weather should you expect in your region? Find out from The Old Farmer’s Almanac-America’s #1 almanac for 229 years-and see what kind of winter is headed your way!

Lower Lakes (Region 6)

Will It Be a Snowy Winter?

In the Lower Lakes (Syracuse west along the Great Lakes to Chicago and Milwaukee, most of Michigan, south to Indianapolis), snowfall will be below normal in most areas, with the snowiest periods in early and mid-December, mid- to late-February, and early to mid-March.

Will We Have an Especially Cold Winter?

Winter temperatures will be much above normal, on average, despite cold periods in December and January.