One More Service We Might Be Losing Due To COVID-19.
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. That’s the postal workers’ motto, but unfortunately, it looks like COVID-19 just might be the thing that stops them.
This is Leslie Harris, and Postal workers have been considered essential workers who must continue to do their jobs. But some lawmakers are saying that without more financial support, the US Postal Service could completely shut down, as early as June. Now it might be nice to think about not getting bills in the mail, but, postal workers delivered more than a BILLION shipments of prescription drugs last year alone, so shutting down the Postal Service could have serious consequences, especially in rural areas.
Personally, I’m hoping our country is turned around by June, but if it’s not, the postal service will definitely need more funding if it’s going to continue to operate.