Oswego High Schools, Junior Highs Go “Fully Remote” Thursday Due to Excessive Heat
The heat is taking it’s toll on many, and the Oswego School District has decided that most of their students will be learning from home on Thursday, Aug. 24th.
According to a press release from District 308, all junior high and high school students will be fully remote due to the heat, with their daily schedule running as normal.
It is not the same situation for every grade level though, with other age groups having in-person learning.
The reason for the change seems to be based on bus transportation. The district explained:
There were several factors that were considered when making this difficult decision. We are already experiencing a shortage in bus drivers/monitors, and additional absences are anticipated. The majority of our buses are not air conditioned, and the cumulative exposure to the very high temperatures presents concerns for the wellness of drivers and their passengers. Unfortunately, we did experience transportation staff illnesses today, when bus temperatures were over 100 degrees, and are expecting it will be worse tomorrow.
When making the modifications to the day, transportation for students with special needs and our younger students were prioritized.
The district also released these guidelines for other levels:
Early Childhood (Brokaw) – Both AM and PM programs will NOT be in session tomorrow, the instructional day will be held at a later date. This includes the satellite locations.
Elementary – Bus routes will run on their normal schedule, but delays are anticipated. If at all possible, we strongly encourage you to arrange for alternative transportation to/from school.
Self-contained Special Education Programs (K-12) are in person according to their normal schedule, and transportation will be provided.
East View / GOAL / Pathways – are in session according to their normal schedule, transportation will be provided.
For junior high and high school students without AC, space at the junior high schools and high schools that are air conditioned will be provided for e-learning, but no transpiration will be provided.
There are a number of area cooling centers available to families who do not have air conditioning. Additionally, our Junior High and High Schools will have designated air-conditioned areas where students can be located in order to participate in remote learning, however transportation is not possible.
The district also mentioned that employees will also be reaching out to families that may need assistance while school is not being held in person.