Parler, A New Space On Social Media. You Interested?
November 16, 2020 6:12PM CST
With all the social media platforms we have at our disposal I guess it’s not surprising to see a new competitor wanting to get in on the action and enter the market place. We have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Linkedin, Snapchat, Pinterest. I could go on, but here’s a link with 75 social media sites. Now there’s a new one on the horizon called Parler. A site that says it gives the user much more freedom of expression without the fear of censorship or being flagged as questionable. People have complained about the over politicalization of Facebook or the restrictions on Twitter so now we have Parler. I’m not sure how this will fly, but it’s here, presented for your approval.
Click Here For More On Parler.