Plainfield 6th Grader Called A Hero After Saving Friend’s Life in the Lunch Room
March 23, 2022 4:12PM CDT
You never know how you will react in an emergency. That is true for grown-ups as well as kids!
Sergio Escobedo is a sixth-grader at Aux Sable Middle School in Plainfield. During lunch on St. Patrick’s Day he noticed his friend coughing and choking. At first, he thought his friend was joking around, but it was no joke!
Escobedo said his face turned red, then bright purple.
Escobedo then jumped into action, giving his friend the Heimlich maneuver! By the time school staff arrived, his friend was was breathing again.
ASMS school nurse Shannon Morris said Escobedo saved his friends life that day, “We at Aux Sable could not be any prouder of Sergio for seeing that his friend was in need and acted. With it being St. Patrick’s Day, Sergio was truly his friend’s lucky charm that day in the cafeteria.”
For his part, Escobedo shrugs off being called a hero. He’s just happy to report his friend texted him that he was OK after the incident. He encouraged anyone else in that situation to remain calm and do not overthink it.
Wise words, indeed.
Kids these days, am I right?!