River Fans Favorite Ice Cream Shops Mapped Out For Your Convenience!
You may have missed National Ice Cream Day – it was Sunday – but since when does anyone need an excuse for a trip for a frozen treat?!
We asked our Facebook fans to name their favorite ice cream shops, and here is every since response plotted on a map! I’m sure you have your favorite, but if you check out this map and maybe you’ll find a new favorite that you didn’t know was there!
We did have several people vouch for Oberweis, A&W, Andy’s and even Baskin Robbins, but since there are so many locations (and are national chains that don’t need our help), they were left off the map as to not dilute it with the numerous locations. I hope they understand.
Thanks to everyone for the responses! If your favorite ice cream didn’t make the list, let me know and well add it!
Don’t forget to check out the other layers of the map which includes River Fan favorites for french fries, donuts, mac and cheese and fried chicken.
HM…maybe we should add salads next time?! 😀