Several Local Towns Staring To Pick Up Christmas Trees. It’s Time!
Well it’s that time of year now! The Christmas tree must go and the lights need to come down. I know I defrocked my house of all Christmas stuff this weekend. It’s all packed away and the tree is on the curb awaiting the garbage guys to pick it up. I know there are several suburbs including Naperville, Batavia and Hinsdale that are starting the pick up of those once live trees and and I believe a lot of communities recycle the tree remains. Don’t forget your outdoor lights. I’ve had neighbors in the past who’ve left theirs up til late March or early April (some even left them on all that time). I know it’s a pain to get up and take em down, but come on people take a little pride. The holidays are over and it’s time to get back to daily business and look forward to spring and hopefully an end to this damn pandemic.