Showing Appreciation, Especially Now
It’s Leslie Harris, and a friend of mine posted a picture on social media a few weeks before Christmas. My friend was working as a package delivery person, and was so excited that a shopkeeper had put out a box of snacks, encouraging delivery people to take what they wanted, with appreciation for working so hard during the holidays. I loved this idea and promptly put out my own box, stocked with chips, cookies & granola bars.
After the holidays, or decided to leave the box on my porch, and I restock it when I see the contents getting low. Lately, I have noticed that even though we are getting quite a few deliveries, the contents haven’t been disappearing quite as quickly. Then it dawned on me, perhaps the delivery people aren’t taking the snacks because they are afraid that the snacks might be contaminated.
So yesterday, I started spraying an antiviral spray (proven effective against COVID-19) on the snacks, and including a note that the contents had been disinfected, and the date. I’m hoping this will encourage my delivery people to grab something during their sometimes long and grueling shifts.
I also thank the workers at the grocery store every time I go shopping.
I appreciate these people who are out working, while I get to work from home, and I think it’s important to let them know how much I appreciate them.