Snow! I Got Your Snow!!
So as we wait for the first measurable snow of the winter I look at the calendar and realize that today is my 10 year anniversary of being hired by this company and starting on the air @ WRXQ (my second go round with the station. First in 2002 and 2003) . Well it was Next Media back then and I’d had lunch with General Manager Patrick Pendergast a couple of weeks earlier and he hired me on the spot. Thanks Patrick. Great leader. So the reason I started thinking about this because of the winter snow warning we have for maybe 4″ to 8″. The week after I got hired was the first week of February. Remember February 1st and 2nd? The Blizzard of 2011. I think we got 24″ and baby that’s a lot of snow. The picture above is in front of my house the one below is out my side door toward my neighbors garage and deck.
Let’s be careful out there. Slow Down and Get Home.