So You Think You’re Funny? Prove it!
Hi this is Leslie Harris, and a couple of years ago, I did something that terrified me. I auditioned for an improv group.
I had been thinking taking improv classes for YEARS. I’ve known many radio people who have taken classes, because they train you to think on your feet.
So when my former co-worker, Tim Thomas started an improv group right in the town where I live, I took it as a sign from the universe.
So I auditioned, and as it turns out, I’m not the only one who thinks I’m funny!
We had our first performance in Downers Grove in December of 2019, and they liked us – they really really liked us!
So we’re back at it, and we’re looking for new members. Wanna join us?
We’re having auditions tonight in Downers Grove. If you liked to know more, please send a message HERE
By the way, we are hoping to have our next performance in December. Stay tuned!