So I decided to hit the pause button on the 30 Day Music Challenge until I get nestled back into my cozy night time slot.  So stay tuned we will be back having fun with that next week.

However it doesn’t mean I can’t come up with my own Morning Music Challenge.  Seeing as the River’s Morning Show is the intro to your day I thought we could talk about songs with the best intro’s?   I often talk about the song that I chose  as my favorite intro whenever I play it.  It is just an amazing intro and makes for a timeless radio hit.   It is the opening track to the album Let’s Dance by the legendary David Bowie…. What a great opening!   Modern Love was written and recorded by  Bowie, but you can not fail to mention the input of  American record producer, songwriter, musician, composer, arranger and guitarist  Nile Rogers.  If you are familiar with his work then you know that this intro has Nile Rogers all over it.   (Here are some other songs the Chic alumni  helped out on … “Original Sin” by INXS, Duran Duran’s “The Reflex” and “Notorious”, and Madonna’s Like a Virgin – Think about all the intro’s for those songs … they are all powerful.)   However none of those have quite the punch that Modern Love does.   Those few intro notes improve my mood and motivate me … it will always be my favorite intro.

So here you go with Day 1 of the Morning Music Challenge – A song with the best intro?  – I give you David Bowie’s – Modern Love


Okay your turn … pop over to Facebook and tell me what is your favorite intro?