The Five Biggest Mistakes People Make When Selling Their House
I love working with Daniel Czuba of Daniel and Associates Real Estate. He’s a down to earth guy who isn’t afraid to tell you things you may not want to hear, which is VERY important when dealing with property sales!
I asked him what the five mistakes that people make the most when selling their houses…and yeah, I’m certainly guilty of thinking along these lines!
So, what are they?! Here’s the Cliff’s Notes version, but check out the video for a more in-depth discussion. It’s definitely information anyone selling a house should hear!
#1). Thinking that their home is in good condition.
#2). Think that buyers have lots of money for down payments.
#3). Assume that all Buyers want to negotiate– and price their homes higher than their Agents recommendations.
#4). Listening to their Friends/Family instead of the Professionals they employ.
#5). Having higher than realistic expectation.