When you are feeling down about yourself or life in general, it can be tempting to eat your feelings.  But some foods can trigger depression or make it worse.  I am trying to eat healthier in 2019, and get more exercise but that comfort food can be hard to resist.  If you are trying to eat healthier, try and avoid these 3 foods:

1.  Anything with artificial sweeteners.  Fake sweeteners like Aspartame might save calories, but they can be terrible for your mood.  They can also cause headaches and insomnia, which doesn’t help.

2.  Junk food.  Especially if you eat a lot of it and don’t get enough nutrients in your diet.  Your body needs things like magnesium, fatty acids, B-6, and B-12.  And if you don’t get enough, it can create a chemical imbalance in your brain.

3.  Trans Fat.  The main source of trans fat is partially hydrogenated oil, which you find in a lot of fried foods.  But it’s also in other stuff, including frozen pizza, cake frosting, and microwave popcorn.


If you can cut those out, you can be a bit healthier.    🙂

~ Tim Thomas