The Virtual Walk for Literacy
Hi it’s Leslie Harris, and September 3rd began the Virtual Walk for Literacy. I know today is the 5th, but you still have plenty of time to make a difference.
They call it a virtual walk, because it takes place wherever you are. You can form a team, or you can walk by yourself. It works like this:
Set your personal fitness goal and sign up.
Invite your circle to join your team. Since it’s virtual, you can invite people from all over the world.
Complete your goal by the end of the four weeks. This can be done in short spurts, like if you go out for a walk in nature, or if you’re walking to your favorite big box store. Every step counts.
All of the proceeds go to Literacy Volunteers Fox valley, an organization that helps immigrants learn English, so that they can more easily contribute to society. Find out more about the virtual walk for literacy HERE: