Three Tech Things to Set Up in Case You Die…
I would have never thought of any of these things. My favorite is the Facebook tip. Check it out below.
“The New York Post” just did a story on tech things you should set up now to protect your “digital legacy.” Or in other words, in case you DIE.
A lot of our life is online and password protected now. So the point is to make sure your loved ones can access it all . . . or CAN’T access it, depending on what it is.
Here are the three things they say you should set up immediately . . .
1. A “Legacy Contact” on your Apple account. Apple added a feature last year that lets other people access everything in your Apple account if you die, including photos, messages, and notes. Just go to “Password & Security” in your iPhone settings.
2. Your “Memorialization Settings” on Facebook. They let you name a legacy contact who can write posts for you, update your profile pic, and get a copy of everything you’ve ever posted.
3. Automatically wipe your Google history. This one’s for stuff you might NOT want loved ones to see. In your Google account’s “Web & App Activity” settings, there’s an option to auto-delete stuff every three months.
(NY Post)