Top Things Men Do That Women Don’t Understand
December 15, 2022 5:52AM CST
The list of things women do that confuse men is fairly lengthy. But it goes both ways, fellas. See what we mean with today’s list of the . . . Top Things Men Do That Women Don’t Understand.
Cry while watching sports movies.
Close one nostril to shoot snot from the other.
Stack empty beer cans into a pyramid.
Go to Home Depot for pleasure.
Hang testicles from their truck.
Shout “Now THAT’S what I’m talkin’ ’bout!” when their team scores.
Pick a restaurant based on its wings.
Quote “Scarface”.
Spend all day working in the garage but have nothing to show for it.
Wear shorts with a lot of pockets.
Fantasy football.
Fall asleep right after sex.