Truckers Plan “Slow Roll” Protest On I-294 Today, State Police Not Excited About It
If you plan on taking 294 into Chicago today you might want to find an alternate route.
Truckers are teaming up for a “slow roll” protest against industry regulations like lack of training for new drivers, hours of service, parking availability and low pay. The group which goes by “Black Smoke Matters” will drive single file in the right lane, going the minimum posted speed limit from Monee to Trump Tower starting at 10:00.
Naturally, the Illinois State Police isn’t big fans of this particular type of protest.
“Though the Illinois State Police respects the rights of citizens to express their opinions in a lawful manner, any planned event designed to intentionally impede normal traffic flow is dangerous to the innocent motoring public,” he said in a statement. “Violators who choose to endanger the public by participating in events that violate Illinois law could potentially be held liable for traffic crashes occurring as a result of their actions and will be subject to the enforcement of applicable laws.”
Bottom line…avoid 294 today.