Wear The Damn Mask!
Opinion Piece.
Face masks are an essential part of defeating the novel coronavirus. It keeps people around you safer from anything you might be spreading unknowingly and it will shield you to a certain extent from outside invasion as well. There has been so much back and forth about this and the experts have changed their minds on masks and wearing them as time and more information become available. This virus is new and unknown and our scientists and doctors are learning on the fly. That, in part, is why they have changed their minds about a lot of what and how this COVID-19 virus attacks and works. The consensus now is that wearing a mask and social distancing and avoiding large gatherings will help to slow the virus spread and help flatten the curve. So make the sacrifice and think of others as well as yourself. If we are to beat this virus (and it has no political affiliation or preference) then we need to act as one. Researchers from around the world have found wearing even a basic cloth face covering is more effective in reducing the spread of Covid-19 than wearing nothing at all.
Face Mask Really Do Matter. Click Here.