Calling all foot fetish friends … tonight’s Music Challenge is all about your “plates of meat” (that’s cockney rhyming slang … look it up!)

Our feet may not play musical instruments (traditionally) but we certainly couldn’t get on the dance floor without those important body parts.  You may be stumped by this music challenge at first but then you are going to realize how many songs talk about your feet, or your boots, or your shoes!  Essentially there are a lot of songwriters out there who have a foot fetish.

I was listening to a podcast about Phil Collins and Genesis last weekend and it mentioned that Phil Collins played drums on two Adam Ant tracks on his second solo album (5th studio album but second solo).  You may remember them … Strip and Puss n’ Boots.   As is often the case the pod cast not only made me dig up a whole bunch of Phil Collins songs to listen to but also I ended up listening to some Adam Ant.   That is when I was reminded of this eighties gem … which in turn gave me the idea for tonight’s Music Challenge.   So Enjoy this rather fun (and slightly saucy) video and swing over to Facebook and tell me your favorite foot fetish song.