How crazy is this??  I found a bunch of great photos in a box of memories last month when two girls from high school tracked me down.  This is from our Senior Skip Day.  I asked the group to send me some snippets of their lives so we can all catch up together.  Who’s life has had the most ups and downs?

Kristine is our group hot chick so we will start with her, plus she had the best line – “Obviously in 1995 I had an amazing hair day at Cedar Point!”.  After graduation her parents had different views of her future.  She took her dad’s awesome advice and did not rush through school.  She delayed graduating from college so she wouldn’t have to pay rent at home.  In 1997 she went to Hawaii and didn’t want to come back.  Kristine got married in ’03 and had a baby a year later.  They lived in Texas but after her divorce moved back to Michigan to raise her son alone.  Pretty normal American story, huh?  I saw a few of her facebook pics and she is still smoking hot — that is not normal, we are the same age…she didn’t say if she had work done!

Jessica was the first friend I made when I changed schools my senior year.   That was a crazy decision but Jessica made everything seem easy.  She was the best thing that happened to me that summer.  She has not yet shared any photos of what she looks like, but after seeing Kristine’s who would!?!  Jessica went to MSU, lived in the dorms and even joined a Sorority.  She graduated and then traveled across the state and did a lot of lobbying at the State Capitol.  The best part about her job was her Nextel Phone with a Walkie Talkie!!  She is now married, has two children, and recently quit her job to home school them.

You already know that I tracked down Erik for permission to use our Prom Photo to promote the River’s Prom.  He also lives in Michigan and gets an awesome discount at my favorite store.  I send him random texts if I have a question about my REDCard Bill.  He is married with two kids and does not seem to be an axe murderer.  I watch a lot of Lifetime and he has the potential.

Then there is me!  There are just three things that make me cool:

  1. I was held up in an armed robbery in the 90’s so I don’t like going back home
  2. There was the time I almost made out with Jani Lane but decided to lick the guy from Firehouse instead
  3. My passion is to work with old people- at my 9-5 and here at the River 🙂