Guess What We’re Celebrating Today!

Hi its Leslie Harris and yesterday was ‘National Love Your Pet Day.’ I didn’t post anything for that because well, every day for me is Love My Pet day, and I already post a lot about pets. Yesterday was also National muffin day which I also did not celebrate.

I decided to look up today, February 21st and see what holiday we’re supposed to be celebrating today. The only thing I could find is that today is ‘National Sticky Bun Day.’

Now in case you’re wondering, sticky buns are not the same as cinnamon rolls, even though they both have lots of cinnamon and lots of sugar and they are both types of bread. The biggest difference is that sticky buns usually have the glaze and nuts on the bottom of the pan, and have a denser texture. You then tip the whole pan over once it is out of the oven, resulting in having the sticky mess on top. Cinnamon rolls generally get their gooey frosting added after they come out of the oven, generally have a lighter fluffier texture, and may or may not include nuts.

I say it’s never too late in the day to have one of these treats that are usually served at the breakfast, so you could have one a s a bedtime snack, or you can always celebrate ‘National Sticky Bun Day’ one day late!

What’s your favorite? Do you like to make your own, head to a bakery or store? Let me know!

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