53% of Americans Say a Teacher Changed Their Life for the Better

Has a Teacher ever done anything to change your life.  My Radio teacher in High School prepared me for my first “real” radio job back in 1978 thru 1979.  Scored my first job while still in High School.  Thank you, Mr. Abbott.

Over half of Americans had a teacher growing up who changed their LIFE.

53% of us say at least one teacher changed our life for the better.  And it doesn’t matter how old you are.  60% of seniors say it’s true, and so do 54% of people under 30.  So there are still lots of great teachers out there making a difference.

The survey also looked at which grade people were in when their favorite teacher made an impact on them.  And it’s most likely to happen in high school.

33% were in grades 9 through 12 . . . 13% were in 6th to 8th grade . . . and 16% said somewhere between 5th grade and kindergarten.

7% said it was a teacher they had after high school, like a professor in college.  And 3% said it was a coach.

Chances are you also had a few BAD teachers along the way.  22% of us had a teacher who changed our life for the worse.
