Can this be true? Men Care About Looks Four Times More Than Women…
Being a Man, I think I can respond to this new survey from across the pond before you even read it. I am in and out of the shower and ready to go to work every morning at 3:45am. It takes me about 15 minutes in the bathroom and another 15 minutes to get my breakfast and coffee ready and I’m out the door. I DO care about how I look even though no one else is coming into the studio. I may take a little less time than my wife, Susie, but I do believe I care about how I look just as much as she does. (It certainly doesn’t mean I look as good as my wife, but I give it the effort).
With that said, check out this new study out of the U.K. that found men in their 20s care about looks FOUR TIMES more than women do. And women in their 20s care THREE TIMES more about someone’s personality.
Researchers looked at nine different traits. And when it comes to dating, women care more about intelligence, education, age, and the emotional connection they form . . . while guys care more about looks and body type.
Men’s priorities do change as they get older. But even in their 60s, they care about physical attractiveness twice as much as women do.
And this last stat was interesting: Between 50 and 60, women actually start to care MORE about a guy’s looks. And personality starts to matter a little less.