How Did You Enjoy Your Quarantine Easter?
It’s no doubt that this Easter will be a memorable one for mostly negative reasons. If you were like our family though, you found ways to stay connected to the ones you love.
For us, it happened to be a few rounds of virtual BINGO!
We also bought an Eater cookie decorating kit from my guy Chef Andy at Sift Bakery in Plainfield! One cookie was loaded with food coloring. You then dip a paint brush in water, soak up a bit of the food coloring from the “paint cookie” and then paint your own cookie. It was super creative and very fun.
We also celebrated our son’s fourth birthday, the day was extra special (and a little extra sad that we couldn’t have a party for him), but we made the best out of a situation we all are dealing with.
I’d love to see a photo or two about how you made this year’s Eater celebration your own.